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How to Choose Your Meals

Your weekly meal subscription renews every week. Payment will be taken for your subscription every Friday. Once the payment has been taken, you will be able to select your meals for the following week. You can choose your meals and change meals within your order at any time before the cut-off - which midnight on Saturday.

In this document you will find information on how to select my meals and update meal subscription meals for all customer who have an active meal subscription.

Choose meals on desktop

Step 1: Head to 'My Account' by clicking the little account icon in the top right corner of our website.


Step 2: Click 'Choose Dishes' on the most recent order. Please note: If the 'Choose Dishes' button is greyed out, this means you are not within the order window to select meals which is Friday-Saturday the week before your delivery.

Step 3: You will then be redirected to the current menu where you can select your meals and dishes.

Step 4: Once you have selected your dishes and updated your order, you will then see in your 'Upcoming Deliveries' the meals you have selected.


Choose meals on mobile

Step 1: Head to 'My Account' by clicking on the menu icon in the top left corner and then 'Log in'

Step 2: Click 'Choose Dishes' on the most recent order. Please note: If the 'Choose Dishes' button is grey, this means you are not within the order window which is Friday-Saturday the week before your delivery.

Step 3: You will then be redirected to the current menu where you can select your dishes. 

Step 4: Once you have selected your dishes and updated your order, you will then see in your 'Upcoming Deliveries' the meals you have selected.

Step 5: If you have made a mistake or want to change your meals or update meals, you can go back to 'Choose Dishes' and update your order using the same process as above.



Updated on 28 May 2024